Rumors, ramblings and info on the upcoming Green Lantern movie starring Ryan Reynolds. Release date: June 17, 2011.
Monday, November 22, 2010
Parallax Rears His Ugly Head?
Here's a shortened description of Parallax from the official film synopsis:
A new enemy called Parallax threatens to destroy the balance of power in the Universe. Their [the Green Lantern Corps] fate and the fate of Earth lie in the hands of their newest recruit, the first human ever selected: Hal Jordan.
The picture above reportedly comes from an upcoming issue of Green Lantern, possibly issue #60 or #61. Not sure how it could have leaked, but if the issues have already been sent to press, it's possible the image comes from a screen shot of the digital files, or perhaps a copy of the comic proof.
However the image got out, it only raises questions. Will Parallax be the main villain and actually be seen throughout the film? Or will he act mainly through his human host in Hector Hammond? I think it would be cooler to see Green Lantern square off with an enemy that looks like a giant dragon, than with an ordinary guy. But perhaps he deals with both in the end.
For comparison purposes, here's a pic of Parallax from his Wikipedia page:
Saturday, November 20, 2010
The 'Green Lantern' Trailer, Now With 100% More Action
Well, you're in luck. An uber Green Lantern fan named arttron on YouTube has done just that. Here is the 'Green Lantern' trailer recut with mostly action scenes, and a slightly different musical score:
I'm all for the fast-paced action clips in this "new" trailer. The music, however, makes me feel like I should be watching this in a gilded Victorian theater. Perhaps Green Lantern goes back in time at some point in the film to visit our severely morally upright ancestors, and this clip is merely hinting at such an adventure. Or maybe it's just the Harry Potter vibe infecting the country. All in all, not a bad recut, but I still like the 'Requiem for a Dream' style music from this fan made trailer.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Green Lantern is the Sexiest Man Alive

This latest award for Reynold's comes just after his wife Scarlett Johansson earned GQ's "Babe of the Year." I'm tempted to add "Luckiest Couple Alive" in there as well. When not collecting awards and starring in million dollar movies, the two also somehow find the time to get busy during filming. And by "get busy," I don't mean playing chess.
I'm almost positive Rod Stewart wrote this song with Ryan Reynold's in mind, even if the future 'Van Wilder' was still in grammar school at the time.
'Green Lantern' and Reynold's chiseled abs hit theaters next June.
The 'Green Lantern' Trailer Debuts
The first theatrical 'Green Lantern' trailer:
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Five Cool Things About the 'Green Lantern' Teaser Trailer
Here's five cool things I liked about it:
1.) Looks like director Martin Campbell decided to go with a slightly more humorous take than Nolan did with Batman or Singer did with Superman. We've had our share of brooding superheroes lately with 'TDK' and 'Watchmen,' so this will be a welcome break.
2.) First glimpse of Kilowog! Looks like Hal Jordan's trainer takes up more than his share of screen space.
3.) Ryan Reynolds is shirtless. OK, that's great if you're a girl. But if you're a guy, that means it'll just be easier to get your date to the theater.
4.) GL flies through interstellar space. Looks like the 'Green Lantern' plot rumor I posted earlier may have some truth. If that's the case, then directly after the bar fight--which seems to occur in the teaser with the giant green fist--Jordan gets taken to Oa to learn the proper use of his new found powers.
5.) Oa looks magnificent. It's really brief, but it looks like Oa is the Emerald City from 'Wizard of Oz' on steroids. Guess there's something to mystical places starting with 'O' with only two letters.
Stay tuned for the full trailer coming this Tuesday on ET, or in theaters before 'Harry Potter' next Friday.
Saturday, November 6, 2010
20 Alternate Uses of a Green Lantern Power Ring
However, Hal is also an ordinary man when he's not dressed in a green leotard and creating emerald force fields around himself and loved ones. What kinds of things would Hal the Ordinary Man vs. the super hero, use a power ring for in everyday situation? Here's what I would use it for mostly:
1.) Opening the door when my arms are full of groceries. Really, this could be a super power in and of itself. No more scrambling for keys and playing the juggling act when I come home to my apartment holding ten packages of discount Top Ramen from Aldi's.
2.) Shape-shifting. For use to escape villainous gods or a crazed nemesis? No. more like changing into someone else when I see my ex-girlfriend crossing the street. Even better, changing into someone like this guy when meeting women for the first time.
3.) Placing users into suspended animation. Would work great not just on intergalactic psychopaths, but also on my boss when he catches me late by the time clock or asks me to stay late. This would also come in handy for playing pranks on your co-workers. Right when your rival is about to begin his Power point presentation you freeze everyone in place, remove his pants, and then release everyone. The only trick will be to keep your laughter to yourself so you aren't found out.
4.) Airport security. The Green Lantern power ring also allows the wearer to phase through solid objects. This would be great for when I fly. So instead of getting hassled by security and having to consent to a strip search in a seedy bathroom, I can just phase my studded belt right through the magnetic waves of the metal detector. Rio, here I come!
5.) Instant healing after performing wicked stunts on my bike. Don't you hate it when you go off a ramp to impress a girl, only to land on your head and bust your femur? With a power ring, I could crash and burn like usual, but instead of a three month stay in the hospital and a $560,000 bill, I'd just heal myself instantly. Then, rinse and repeat. Chicks dig injuries, you know.
6.) Create instant plasma energy dishes. Dirty plates and glasses in the sink? No problem. I'd just think myself a new set of plates, silverware, and glass, and I'd have something to pour my Top Ramen into after a night of heavy drinking.
7.) Instant back scratcher. This one speaks for itself. Plus, it'd be a real savings, too. Some back scratchers sure are expensive.
8.) Earplugs. Don't you hate it when you're getting chewed out by your girlfriend/boss/mom/best friend/cop/lawyer/guy at the bar/kid/grandparent? Worry no more, as a power ring would give you the instant ability to plug your fragile auditory nerves with tender green solid light. Would be awesome at a rock concert for when your favorite band starts playing their crappier songs.
9.) An iPod. Not gonna lie, I would use this one the most. This way people would stop me on the street and ask where I got such a cool iPod, instead of asking me why the hell I am rocking out to 'Barbie Girl'.
10.) A condom. On second thought, I would use this one the most. That is if a power ring could conjure up an actual, live girlfriend, which it can't.
11.) Instant green screen. Bored of hearing your grandma talk about that time in 1938 when she saw an albatross by the sea shore? Green screen a roller coaster track behind her and just watch the minutes fly by like...well, an albatross.
12.) Instant fact finder. Got nothing to say at a party? Or maybe you're one of those shy guys that doesn't like to talk. With a power ring you can add zest to any conversation with fun facts and tid bits through the ring's diagnostic capabilities. You'll be a walking Wikipedia, a veritable oracle of random trivia.
13.) Instant hang-over cure. Sinestro was apparently able to use his ring to reconnect synapses in the brain of a dead criminal in order to extract knowledge. Would the same thing work, only to cure hangovers brought on by cheap whiskey and Colt 45? I can only hope, otherwise it's cranberry juice, Advil, and a quick head dunk in a bucket of ice for me pretty much every morning.
14.) Holographic display. Finally, a way to reenact that scene from Star Wars when Princess Leia begs Obi-Wan for help without having to cart around my big screen TV and DVD player.
15.) Tie Tier. Seriously, does anyone know how to tie a tie? I have an important interview with a potential client in two hours and so far my tie looks like a dead snake draped around my neck. Oh well, Mr. Yaga Moto of the billion dollar Moto Unlimited Japan Corporation probably wasn't worth talking to anyway.
16.) A Kindle. Have you seen how expensive those doo-dads are? I'll be damned I'm going to spend my hard-earned money on what amounts to the iPad's ugly cousin.
17.) Automatic recording device. This way, I can record what I want to eat before the waiter comes to my table and asks me right when I stuff my face with a slice of bread.
18.) Instant Mormon Bubbler. You know, for in case I decide to convert one day.
19.) Laser pointer. This should really go without saying. There are so many times I point to things and my friends have no idea what it is I'm pointing to. Is it the bear charging down the path, the dead hooker we still haven't disposed of yet, the stack of empty beer cans left over from last month's party? A power ring with a built-in laser pointer would be an absolute Godsend.
20.) Money. It's already green, just like the light of the Green Lantern. Of course, it still won't stop me from overspending on my 3 pack-a-day habit, but anything helps at this point.
Friday, November 5, 2010
'Green Lantern' Trailer Review
There have been rumors of this movie being like training day with Sinestro (Mark Strong) showing Hal the ropes. Strictly from this preview, I can not say if they are going to do this as I didn’t see one scene with Sinestro in it. I know he is cast and is in the posters, but strictly from the preview, they do not seem to be focusing on him to greatly. I can say the villain in this first one seems to Hector Hammond (Peter Sarsgaard). Not a favorite villain of mine personally, he always creeped me out as the obsessed stalker, but he may work with the direction it looks like they are taking for a genesis story.
This is the one part which has me worried; they look like they are going to portray “The Man Without Fear” as a man who has to overcome fear. Now, I know they of late
have been pointing to the fact Hal does have fear he just has the ability to overcome it in the comics, but the one thing about Hal is he never really showed it. There is a conversation he has where he mentions what the ring said about being without fear, and the guy he’s talking to gives him a look and Hal says unsurely, “I know right?” All in all though, I can see how they can use Hector Hammond to have him overcome fear, I mean the guy gets into your head. I just really hope they do not focus too much on him overcoming fear, they need to stay true to Hal’s strong, confident persona.
Word is the 'Green Lantern' trailer will debut with the new 'Harry Potter' movie coming out Nov. 19th.
Thursday, November 4, 2010
'Green Lantern' Movie Pics
"Honey, I'm not just a pilot. I'm a ring-powered super-hero, crime-busting, intergalactic order member. Also, that's a big watch you're wearing."
"No, it's not a glow stick, and yes, this is my girlfriend. Also, could you put extra cheese on our pizza?"
"I found this in a cracker jack box."
This looks like what would happen if you combined a star gate with the large hedron collider.
Dads, this is what happens when you don't play catch with your sons when they're little. They grow up to become midgets with over-sized heads and bad attitudes. Not in every case, of course, but would you risk it?
Sunday, October 31, 2010
The Plot of Green Lantern Revealed?
OK, so obviously 4Chan isn't exactly a very credible source, but the description posted by a certain anonymous submitter seems kinda likely. Here's an exact quote from Anonymous No. 12789228:
>Prologue in which Krona creates the yellow power battery and becomes Parallax's host.
>Flashback detailing Martin Jordan's death.
>Abin Sur is attacked by Parallax/Krona, that wishes to make him its new host, but fails, mortally wounding him.
>Hal Jordan, Carol Ferris, Hector Hammond and other human characters are introduced.
>Abin Sur crash lands on Earth and asks his ring to find a suitable succesor. The ring chooses Hal.
>Abin passes on the ring and the power battery. Hal recharges for the first time.
>Hal gets into a bar fight. Uses his ring for the first time. Is taken to Oa.
>Abin's body is found by Amanda Waller. Hector is brough in to study it.
>Residual yellow energy left by Parallax in Abin's body infects Hector, giving him telephatic and telekinetic powers and driving him insane.
>Hal meets Sinestro, Kilowog and Tomar-Re in Oa. Goes trough training sessions. Becomes a Green Lantern and returns to Earth.
>Hector is locked up by Waller and his father doesn't care about his condition. Hector gets mad, escapes, attacks his father at Ferris Aircraft and fights the Green Lantern, who becomes the world's first superhero.
>Carol and Tom find out Hal's secret identity. Hector does to.
>Hector attacks Ferris Aircraft to steal Hal's ring and they fight again.
>Parallax arrives, ditches Krona and makes Hector his new host. Sinestro, Kilowog and Tomar-Re arrive to help Hal. They fight Parallax/Hector on Earth.
>Parallax/Hector heads to Oa, where he fights the entire Green Lantern Corps and attempts to make Hal his next host.
So, basically we have a long flash back scene that explains the background of the ring and gives us the set-up for the future conflict with Parallax. The death of Abin Sur and Hal's subsequent inheritance of the the ring. Then a bar fight, which sounds like it will be similar to Peter Parker's fist-a-cuffs with Flash Thompson in 2002'as Spider-man. Then a long Kill Bill-esque training montage. A fight back on earth, then a final fight on Oa.
Sinestro, it seems, is being held back as a villain, probably for the sequel.
If this is actually the plot line, then it sounds like GL is going to be a special effects masterpiece with a relatively simple, paint-by-numbers plot. Don't look for any Nolan-style mind games like we had in The Dark Knight, or any sticky sweet romance B.S. like we had in Raimi's Spider-Man franchise.
It looks like superhero films are finally maturing. We went from the innocent extremes of the childish X-Men to the gritty badlands of Watchmen and TDK. Now it appears film makers have found a Goldilox-ian middle with the upcoming Green Lantern. We have a standard heroes' journey complete with training portion and final showdown with evil, but with actual adults with actual adult problems. I don't know about you, but I can relate to this plot. I don't feel like it's dumbed down or too simplistic. It's just right for a good, summer popcorn move about a guy who can conjure giant, cartoonish fists with his imagination via a mystical ring, and has to save earth/Oa/his love interest/who or whatever, from the evil machinations of Parallax. Sounds like it's got all the makings of a hit.
However, given that many people are not familiar with Green Lantern's back story as they are with, say, Batman's or Spider-Man's, GL risks alienating a new audience with what looks like a complex back story with multiple characters. I can already see some people getting completely lost, wondering who the hell is Parallax mid-way through the film, and at worse tuning out. Then again, neither Avatar or Inception had built-in audiences, and they both did pretty damn well at the box office. I'd guess Green Lantern is on its way to a successful summer of 2011. Now here's hoping that a worthy soundtrack accompanies what will assuredly be hallucinogenic special effects.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Set Design Pics of Oa, the Green Lantern Corps Homeworld

Oa seems like a cross between Krypton and the Land of Oz--it even seems to boast its won Emerald city. Production designer Grant Major, had this say about his creation:
"Oa, of course, is at the center of the Universe, and is also an extremely old place. It's been around since not too long after the Big Bang, I assume. And with its function as a sort of U.N.-cum-military-compound in the middle of space, you'd imagine that with 3,600 different sectors, it must have a lot of influence on a lot of different cultures and time. So what I've tried to do is to introduce a plethora of different types of architectural styles and a feeling that, over the millennia, that it's just been building on and building on [itself], and there's just this huge history of culture that's been there."